MTNA Meeting: Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 7 p.m.
Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting Draft Agenda
Zoom log-in link, can be found at the MTNA website, under Meetings.
6:45 Arrive early, give yourself plenty of time to connect. You will be MUTED upon arrival, you will need to UNMUTE yourself when you want to speak. Please MUTE yourself again after speaking so as to limit interference from background noise.
7:00 Welcome & Introductions – Nadine Fiedler, this month’s facilitator
7:10 MTNA Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes from June Meeting – Nadine Fiedler
Treasurer's Report - Bing Wong
7:20 Call for announcements or issues not already on the agenda
7:30 Kiley Yuthas from Transition Projects, presentation about how neighbors can support the unhoused population
7:50 Land Use Update - Stephanie Stewart
8:00 Southeast Uplift Report – Jim Pierce
8:10 Friends of the Park Report - Bing Wong
8:20 Adjourn
Next Meeting: Third Wednesday of every month - August 18, 2021
Email the Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA):