Our Latest Actions
For the fullest picture of what we've been doing and discussing lately, read our minutes. But here are a few highlights...
District 3 City Council Candidate Forum, hosted by MTNA and NTNA -- Oct. 22, 2024
The Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) joined with the North Tabor Neighborhood Association (NTNA) to host a candidate forum to help community members meet candidates running to be our city council representatives. It was a well attended, in-person event with pizza provided. To hear audio files with the Q and A's, go here: https://www.northtabor.org/2024-forum/
Free Neighborhood Personal Safety Training --
June 26, 2024
This popular in-person training offered by the City’s Safe Blocks program offered safety tips for us as we move through the community. This training included de-escalation strategies, learning about intervention and assertiveness options and, when needed, how to get away. You can learn more about the City’s Safe Blocks Program at: https://www.portland.gov/community-safety/ovp/safe-blocks#:~:text=The%20goal%20of%20the%20Safe,activities%2C%20and%20resources%20and%20referrals
Mt. Tabor Neighborhood History Project Community Open House - May 16, 2024
Nearly 30 community members participated in the first Mt. Tabor Neighborhood History Project Community Open House. We all shared information, photos and personal stories of the history of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood. Thank you, to local realtor Jan Caplener for hosting the meeting and sharing his wealth of historical resources, and to Nikki Mandell for organizing the oral history interviews, and to Brad Yazzolino for taking photos of pictures and other resources people brought to the event. Contact Paul Leistner (prleistner@gmail.com) if you're interested in getting involved in this project. To see more information about the history of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood, click here.
North Tabor/Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Cleanup - April 20, 2024
The MTNA and NTNA joined together again this year to host the big neighborhood cleanup on Saturday 20, 2024. We had 257 vehicles come through the site. We filled 7 40-yard drop boxes and a 20-yard box with metal recycling. Green Century recycled electronics and styrofoam. Thank you to Unity Spiritual Center of Portland for allowing us to use their parking lot, to volunteers from the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church, and to Pastor Katelyn Weakley from the Mt. Tabor Seventh-day Adventist Church for bringing snacks and drinks, and Starbucks for donating coffee.
MTNA Formal Request for Temporary Library Site - March 20, 2024
MTNA Member Laura Orr led an effort to formally request that the Multnomah County Library set up a temporary location in our area for minimal library services while the Belmont Library is closed for renovation. The MTNA voted to support the request on March 20, 2024. Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Coalition voted to sign on to the letter as well.
Tabling at Seventh-day Adventist Community Fun Day - Sept. 17, 2023
The MTNA set up its tabling booth again this year at the annual Mt. Tabor Seventh-day Adventist Church Community Fun Day. We displayed the neighborhood history photo panels created by Kevin Caplener many years ago, and talked with nearby neighbors and congregation members about their experiences growing up in the neighborhood.
MTNA Supports Glencoe's Grant Application - May 2023
MTNA voted to support Glencoe's PTA Grant Application for a "Percent for Green" grant to help fund improvements to the Glencoe playground. You can view the MTNA's support letter here.
Some of Our Best Stories...
For a sample of our proudest accomplishments over the last decades, click over to our "What We Do" page.