Here are the best ways to stay in touch, connect more with others in the area, and hear MTNA's latest news as it happens. Scroll for MTNA's contact information.
Hear MTNA News and Announcements
Stay informed with alerts from our email list, or facebook. Or make regular visits to our website and blog.
Our email list
Subscribe! And get our most important alerts delivered when they happen... don't worry, email volume is very light to this list. This official listserv is a moderated email list with just Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) meeting, news, and event announcements. Note: this listserv is the "Riseup" MTNA email list, not to be confused with the Mt Tabor neighbors Google Group run by other people; see below for that info.
To subscribe send an email to:
Our Blog
Have you noticed the blog tab up to your right? View posts from our stellar volunteer Laura O - she is historically quite timely with her posts so if you are on our website you can find our most important announcements in one spot. You cannot yet "subscribe" to receive mail from this blog, so if you want alerts from us you will need to subscribe to the listserv above.
Find us on facebook: . When we have the volunteer power, this is a timely way to be alerted about important or helpful civic news. Our facebook page is for the Neighborhood Association and not to be confused with the other Mt. Tabor "neighbors" facebook page -- one is for information (that's ours) and the other is for all kinds of conversation (that's the neighbors one - see below for more about that one).
Eventually you will be able to find us on insta here: @mttaborna Our account is open but we are still learning how to use it.
We don't. We prolly won't.
Connect with the Neighbors
Some groups of neighbors have created their own NextDoor, Google Group, facebook, email, or other group e-lists. Ask your immediate neighbors if there is one and how to join. Otherwise here are some popular ones.
"Mt Tabor Neighbors" Google Group
Email volume is light to moderate and includes a lot of Plant Sale! Free! Where Do I Find? email messages. Almost always fun and you get to know your friendly neighborhood Usual Suspects who give away great stuff. Also a terrific place to ask questions about, well, just anything: restaurants, brake repairs, contractors, books, etc. Find this group on Google Groups at TO JOIN: send email to
"Neighbors" facebook Group
There are two facebook pages, one is for information the other is for conversation. MTNA's official page is for information (details above). This other facebook page is chatty and run by neighbors. Find it here:
Our neighborhood is encompassed generally by the NextDoor groups: “Outer Mount Tabor” and “Inner Mount Tabor.” The NextDoor platform is used by all kinds of groups (e.g. gardening, book, childcare, etc.) and the common denominator is that you live within a specified geographic area. Groups and individuals can choose to be private or public. This platform has a LOT of conversation (and sometimes those feature strident opinions) but you can choose how much you participate. Email notifications are OPTIONAL; you could opt to just visit the site when it’s right for you. Note: NextDoor is a private corporation (as is Google, facebook, etc.) and customers are subject to their rules. Join NextDoor and one or more Mt. Tabor sub-groups here:
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you! Email MTNA directly at , or complete this form:
Send general correspondence to:
MTNA, 2350 SE 57th Ave., Portland, OR 97215
Connect with Other Neighborhood Organizations
Friends of Mt. Tabor Park
The Friends of Mt Tabor Park have their own listserv, facebook, and instagram accounts. Sign up for their email list, volume is light and you won’t miss any Mt Tabor Park events! Visit:
Southeast Uplift (aka SE Uplift)
SE Uplift is the office of paid city-staff that support the volunteers at community organizations like MTNA. They are known in city-vernacular as the “SE Portland neighborhood coalition office.” They run their own interesting programs and you can connect to SE Uplift for events, training, City of Portland news, and much more. Visit their website for their social media accounts:
Southeast Examiner Newspaper - truly newsy and truly local
How can you not love the SE Examiner and the extraordinary amount of work that goes into publishing it by a very small group of dedicated and talented journalists?!?! Our city's neighborhood newspapers print local news as it happens, before it has been around long enough for the big papers to deem record worthy. Event announcements, local reviews, elected officials' columns, burgeoning stories and grassroots movements, and much more. Hard copies available in newsstands or by mail subscription. They have their own social media options, which you may link to from their website:
Useful City Connections
Our "Helpful Links & Numbers" page under our "Resources" tab, offers a host of phone numbers and website links to hotlines, reporting forms, and government offices. But here are two you really need to know about.
Dial 311
In our area "311" offers a single point of contact to find information/referrals, to report issues, or request services from the City of Portland or Multnomah County. Dial: 3-1-1 or 503-823-4000. You can also email:; or visit in person: go to the Portland Building’s Customer Service Desk at 1120 SW 5th Avenue.
Receive time-sensitive alerts of major service disruptions, impending emergencies, disasters, or recovery efforts via telephone, email, and SMS text messaging. Our local PublicAlerts service is run by Portland’s Bureau of Emergency Management. Register for this free service at .