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Mt Tabor Neighborhood News, Social Media, and Email Groups

Connect with your Mt Tabor and adjacent neighbors via email, listservs, and social media:

1) Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA)

  • Official MTNA website: You are here :)

  • Email MTNA Board Members: questions, agenda requests, and suggestions can be emailed directly to

  • Official MTNA listserv: To join, click the “Join the Listserv” link on the “Contact Us” page at the “Connect & Get Involved” tab (above).

  • This official listserv is a moderated email list with Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) meeting, news, and event announcements. Email volume is light.

  • Note: this listserv is the Riseup MTNA list, not to be confused with the Mt Tabor neighbors Google Group; see below for that info.

2) Southeast Examiner: our SE Portland neighborhoods' newspaper

  • How can you not love the SE Examiner and the extraordinary amount of work (and devotion) that goes into publishing it by a very small group of dedicated and talented journalists?!

  • Event announcements, local business ads and reviews, opinions, elected officials' Speakers Corner, advice, letters, and much more.

  • They have their own social media options, which you may link to from their website:

3) Mt Tabor neighbors Google Group

  • TO JOIN: send email to

  • Email volume is light to moderate and includes a lot of Plant Sale! Free! Where Do I Find? email messages. Almost always fun and you get to know your friendly neighborhood Usual Suspects who give away great stuff. Also a terrific place to ask questions about, well, just anything: restaurants, brake repairs, books, schools, etc.

4) Friends of Mt Tabor Park

  • Our Friends of Mt Tabor Park have listserv, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. Link from the Friends of Tabor Park homepage:

  • Sign up. Email volume is light. Don’t miss any Mt Tabor Park events!

5) Southeast Uplift (aka SE Uplift)

  • Your SE Portland neighborhoods coalition. Stay connected to SE Uplift for events, training, City of Portland news, and much more.

  • Visit the SE Uplift website for their social media accounts:

6) NEXT DOOR (aka NextDoor)

  • NextDoor is used by small and large groups, e.g. gardening, book, and childcare groups; the common denominator is that you are "next door," i.e. you live near each other within a specified geographic area. Groups and individuals can choose to be private or public.

  • Email notifications are optional. You do not have to get any NextDoor email and can choose to use the app or visit the website and log in on your computer or gadget.

  • Join NextDoor and one or more Mt. Tabor sub-groups:

  • Note: NextDoor is a private corporation (as is Google, Facebook, etc.) and customers are subject to their rules.

7) Facebook: Two! One for information and one for conversation:

a) Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) Facebook group. This FB page is where the MTNA posts information; it is not for conversation:

b) There is a Mt Tabor Neighborhood Facebook group where you can converse as much as you like:

8) Adjacent Neighbors, Virtually: Some neighbors have their own NextDoor, Google Group, Facebook, email, or other group e-lists. Ask your neighbors if there is one and how to join.

9) Twitter: The MTNA does not have a Twitter account - at least I don't think so. Let us know if there is one.

Last, but not least: Please feel free to correct or add to the above, especially if the above services' attributes or terms change enough to affect the usefulness of the information provided in this blog post. Thank you.

Disclaimer: The information provided on the MTNA website blog is for casual use only. We do not provide legal, consumer, medical, familial or any other professional advice, nor do we endorse any person, product, business or corporation.

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