The Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association helps organize and educate people as they engage with Portland city government. Our meetings are open to all, and membership is free and automatic for anyone who lives or works in the neighborhood.

(watercolor by Georgina Ottaviano)
Next MTNA meeting will be on Wed., January 15, 2025 -- 7 p.m. -- Hybrid Meeting
The MTNA will hold its next monthly meeting on Wed. Jan. 15, 2024. The MTNA General Membership Meeting is from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. followed by the MTNA Board Meeting from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. Community members are welcome at both. You can participate in person by coming to Taborspace at SE 55th and Belmont (downstairs in the dining room) or online via Zoom. To view the meeting agenda and to access the Zoom link, visit our Meetings page.
Farewell to Historical Mills Open Air School/Mt. Tabor School Annex Building
The Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) plans to deconstruct/demolish the 1919 Mills Open Air School building at SE 60th and Stark probably sometime this winter. PHB plans to redevelop the site for affordable housing but does not currently have a design plan or timeline set for the redevelopment. Many Mt. Tabor neighbors got to tour this historical property during a number of community tours in November and December. The tours were cohosted by PHB and the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association. Portland neighborhood history expert Doug Decker led the tours. To learn more about the role this site played in the history of the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood check out Doug's blog post, "Open Air School Farewell."
Monthly Meetings
General meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month, from 7:00 PM–8:30 PM. (No meeting in December.) Staring in June 2024 we will test new tech to allow us to meet both in-person at Taborspace AND on Zoom (find links under the "meetings" tab of this website).
Meetings are ADA-accessible and open to the public.
Every resident of our city has a Neighborhood Association they can call their own. To find yours visit: this City of Portland page.