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Mosaic by Mark Brody

Free Community Open House at Historical Mills Open Air School Building at SE 60th and Stark

Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon

You have an opportunity to tour the inside of the historical 1919 Mills Open Air School/Mt. Tabor Annex building on the southwest corner of SE 60th and Stark. No registration required--just show up!



The MTNA and the City of Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) are co-hosting this open house. Our previous three community tours of the building were so popular that we've added this open house event. 


Local neighborhood history expert Doug Decker will provide background information on the building and the origins of the "Open Air School" movement. Doug also will describe a day in the life of the students who were served by the Mills School in the past.

PHB owns the property and, at some point, plans to deconstruct the school building and redevelop the site for affordable housing 

Limited parking will be available on site. We suggest you plan to park in the neighborhood or walk/bike to the site. NOTE:  Please wear sturdy shoes. While there will be no stairs on the tour, the walking surface is uneven. Also wear warm clothes--the building is not heated.

Come and find about about the history of the site in relation to the broader history of the Mt. Tabor neighborhood, Portland Housing Bureau plans for the property, and the history of the building and its different uses over the years. Walk through the building, hear stories, ask questions, and share your memories.  

Download the event flyer here.

You can read a fascinating report on the history of the property here.

If you would like more information, please contact the MTNA at:

PHB Flyer site photo.JPG

Tabor Neighbors District 3 City Council Candidate Forum

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 6:00 p.m.

IN-PERSON--Mt. Tabor Middle School, SE 57th and Ash

Many of us are trying to figure out who to vote for for the three District 3 city council positions. Thirty people filed to run in District 3!


Help is on the way!


The Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) has joined with the North Tabor Neighborhood Association (NTNA) to host a candidate forum to help community members in the neighborhoods around Mt. Tabor to meet candidates running to be our city council representatives. 


The Tabor Neighbors District 3 Candidate Forum will be on: 


DATE:  Tues, Oct. 22, 2024

TIME:  6 p.m.

PLACE:  Mt. Tabor Middle School, SE 57th and Ash


This is an in-person event.


Pizza will be provided.


To RSVP for the forum and get more information go to:


You also can try out our rank choice voting opportunity to cast your vote for the pizza toppings. 

We hope to see you there!

Free Neighborhood Personal Safety Training

Wednesday, June 26, 6:30 to 8:00 pm

IN-PERSON--Taborspace, SE 55th and Belmont, Muir Hall

You are invited to participate in a free training hosted by the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) ,and presented by staff from the City of Portland Safe Blocks Program. The training will be on:


DATE:  Wednesday, June 26, 2024

TIME:  6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

PLACE: Taborspace, SE 55th and Belmont, Muir Room


This in-person training is intended to help us all learn tools to help keep ourselves and others safe as we move through the community.  This training includes key elements like being aware of our surroundings, tapping into our intuition, de-escalation strategies, learning about intervention and assertiveness options and, when needed, how to get away.


This is a popular training. You can learn more about the City’s Safe Blocks Program at:,activities%2C%20and%20resources%20and%20referrals.


Thank you to MTNA Board Member Midge Pierce for organizing this for us!


If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Paul Leistner at

© 2017 Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association - No unauthorized use of these images or text is allowed.

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