MTNA Meeting: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 (Online via Zoom)
Please join us, rain or shine, for Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) news and voting. The Agenda and log on instructions will be...
Mt Tabor Neighborhood News, Social Media, and Email Groups
Connect with your Mt Tabor and adjacent neighbors via email, listservs, and social media: 1) Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA)...
Yikes! Please Don’t Enter Personal Info into Insecure Websites
Never, ever let down your scam, spam, online insecurity antenna. If the website says “http” or “not secure,” believe it. It is not...
Portland, Oregon, Twitter and other Social Media Links
Twitter is one, among many, ways to keep up with current and official City of Portland events. The City of Portland has a Social Media...
Mt Tabor Neighborhood Social Media and Email Groups
The following groups are in rough order of geographic coverage (small to large). Additional and updated contact info maybe found on the...