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Recycle your Plastic Clamshells and Take Out Containers?

The New Seasons grocery store is currently accepting clear #1 PET plastics at their recycling centers, (think clamshells and to-go containers from their deli.)

The plastics / petroleum product recycling world is ever changing (as are the recycling worlds of all manufactured products) so check with other stores (local and online) where you purchase products packaged in plastic, including electronics, footwear, etc. to find out their customer recycling options.

We have a lot of recycling options here in Oregon (visit the website for our regional Metro recycling center), and inventive ideas for reuse, but it’s hard to keep up with them. If there are any Master Recyclers in our neighborhood who would like to contribute to the MTNA blog with periodic “Recycling Tips” posts, send us an email or drop in to the monthly MTNA meeting and volunteer.

This blog post was published on 5/10/22 (by Laura).


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