MTNA Meeting: Wed. October 18, 7-8:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Jane DeMarco from the City of Portland Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC) will join us to share information and answer your questions about the ongoing process to prepare for the change in Portland's form of City government.
AGENDA: Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) General Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
LOCATION: Zoom call
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: OCTOBER 18, 2023, 7:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Please register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
6:45 Arrive early and give yourself plenty of time to connect.
Please MUTE yourself whenever you’re not speaking to limit interference from background noise.
7:00 Welcome & Introductions –Dave Petrozzi, facilitator
7:10 MTNA Consent Agenda
Approve September meeting minutes
Treasurer's Report – Bing Wong, treasurer
7:20 Announcements, questions, concerns not otherwise on the agenda
7:25 Portland Police –Update on activity/issues in Mt. Tabor
7:35 SPEAKER: Transition to New Form of City Government: Jane DeMarco, member, Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC)
8:05 Communications:
Change to Slack?
Shift to Hybrid Meetings--technology requirements
MTNA Website Content Ideas: Activities,” “Major Accomplishments,” “Volunteer Opportunities”
Should MTNA Board schedule a strategic planning/policy retreat?
8:15 Quick Reports/Requests:
Cascadia Action request that MTNA sign onto 11 letters
Reservoir 6 Update
City’s Community Safety Program—Should we schedule a 1-hour training?
8:25 Friends of Mt. Tabor Park Report – Bing Wong
8:30 Adjourn
Next Meeting: Third Wednesday of the month – November 15, 2023 - at 7 PM, via Zoom
This blog post was published on October 18, 2023, by Laura.