MTNA Meeting: Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 7 p.m.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting:
Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association General Membership Meeting Agenda
LOCATION: Zoom call
Everyone who lives within the MTNA boundaries is a member of the MTNA (Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association) and may attend meetings. You have a voice and a vote. See below for MTNA member boundaries.
When: JULY 19, 2023, 7:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Please register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.
6:45: Arrive early and give yourself plenty of time to connect.
Please MUTE yourself whenever you’re not speaking to limit interference from background noise.
7:00: Welcome & Introductions – Dave Petrozzi, facilitator
7:10: MTNA Consent Agenda: Approve February meeting minutes and Treasurer's Report – Bing Wong, treasurer
7:20: Announcements, questions, concerns not otherwise on the agenda
7:40: Should MTNA go to hybrid meetings?
The Richmond Neighborhood Association and others have gone to hybrid meetings – Zoom plus in-person. Allen Field from RNA will join us to explain the OWL system, the technology that worked for them, so we can understand what it would take to go that route.
8:00: Are we interested in having the City schedule a Dumpster Day event in our neighborhood?
8:10: Do we want to endorse one of the City’s three potential district maps?
8:20: Friends of Mt. Tabor Park Report – Bing Wong
8:30: Adjourn
Next Meeting: Third Wednesday of the month – August 16, 2023 - at 7 PM, via Zoom
MTNA members:
Everyone who lives within the MTNA boundaries is a member of the MTNA (Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association) and may attend meetings and have a voice and a vote. The MTNA serves all people living or working within these boundaries:
E. Burnside to the north
SE Division to the south
SE 76th Ave to the east
SE 49th Ave (from Burnside to Hawthorne) and 50th Ave (from Hawthorne to Division) to the west
This blog post was published on July 18, 2023 (by Laura).
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