Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting, June 15, 2022
Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting Agenda for June 15, 2022 LOCATION: Zoom call When: June 15, 2022: 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US...
3-Digit Phone Numbers in Portland, Oregon
Some of the following 3-digit numbers provide information county or state-wide: 211: Social services (Oregon) (211 Info:...
Richmond Neighborhood Association Clean-up Event (5/21/22)
A representative from our adjacent Richmond Neighborhood Association (RNA) joined us at our monthly Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association...
Mt Tabor Reservoirs: A Short Video on Portland City Council Resolution #37146
Brad Yazzolino created this 15 minute video (YouTube) that shows City Council support for preserving one of southeast Portland's jewels...
Downstream Dangers from Mt Tabor Reservoirs?
Our Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) doesn’t just want to “save” Mt Tabor Park Reservoirs; MTNA wants to make sure they are safe...
MTNA Meeting: May 18, 2022, 7 p.m.
Join us at the next MTNA meeting! The Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) is a volunteer group of neighbors who work together on...
Recycle your Plastic Clamshells and Take Out Containers?
The New Seasons grocery store is currently accepting clear #1 PET plastics at their recycling centers, (think clamshells and to-go...
Portland Office of Community and Civic Life
Those of us on the MTNA Safety Forum call in March 2022 learned anew how many ways the Office of Community and Civic Life can help us...
SE Portland Treasure: Mt Tabor Park and Mr Olmsted
Perhaps you read the recent New York Times article about Frederick Law Olmsted and thought his name sounded familiar? Well, there is a...
27 Ways to Benefit from Neighborhood Association Participation
“A lady asked Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin, Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy – A republic, replied the Doctor, if you...