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City Charter Reform, Ballot Measure 26-228, Pro and Con: An Online Discussion, 10/19/22, 7 p.m.

The Charter Reform Measure 26-228 that amends the Portland City Charter is on the November 8, 2022, general election ballot. It’s a complicated measure (3 consequential changes to the city charter) and we are thinking carefully about how to vote on these specific changes.

If you want to learn more about 26-228, join your neighbors at an online discussion of the Ballot Measure’s pros and cons. Register for a Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) October 19, 2022, Forum featuring two differing perspectives on Portland's proposed Charter Reform measure.

Time: 7 p.m., Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Where: Zoom How: Attendees are encouraged to pre-register for this October 19, 2022, discussion. Use this URL to register:

More about this MTNA October 19, 2022, presentation on Ballot Measure 26-228:

Featured speakers:

Melanie Billings-Yun:

Billings-Yun has taught negotiation, international business and cross-cultural management in PSU's Graduate Business Programs since 2006. She has deep international experience having spent 25 in the Far East plus England and France. She served on the Charter Commission and is now actively lobbying for its passage.

Vadim Mozyrsky:

Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, Mozyrsky is a U.S. Administrative Law Judge, focusing on disability, immigrant and public safety issues. He is a national union representative for AFL-CIO, IFPTE, Judicial Council 1. He is a former co-chair of the Portland Charter Commission and a director of the Partnership for Common Sense Government.

Time will be set aside for audience questions after the presentations, so think about what you might want to ask, e.g., how will 26-228 affect the city’s budget and our taxes, will the reform measures fix the “silo” problem that some say exists under our current form of government, or how exactly will the rank-choice voting in 26-228 work?

Answers to some of your questions may be in the official Voters’ Pamphlet, which is available at the Multnomah County Elections website:

1) Nov 8, 2022 General Election homepage:

3) Measure 26-228: Charter Reform information in the Voters’ Pamphlet:

  • Ballot Title Explanatory Statement (page M-47)

  • Arguments in Favor (starting on page M-48)

  • Arguments Against (starting on page M-54)

Attendees are encouraged to pre-register for this October 19, 2022, MTNA discussion. Use this URL to register:

This blog post was published on October 12, 2022 (by Laura).


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