December 2020 MTNA Newsletter: transportation, shelter for houseless people, and more
The Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) won’t host a community meeting via Zoom in December, so this written update/newsletter about civic issues is everything we have to offer this month. Past written updates/newsletters are on our website.
Updates included are:
Community news
News about civic issues
Useful links for Covid-19 repercussions
Treasurer’s report
Transportation topics
The MTNA December 2020 report was also sent out via email on the MTNA listserv (not to be confused with the Mt Tabor neighborhood Google group).
You can subscribe to the official MTNA listserv and other Mt Tabor social media forums. Link to this blog post for information on how to subscribe: 1/15/17 "Mt Tabor Neighborhood Social Media and Email Groups" (It is also the featured blog post, top, right)