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Pedestrian Protection: Reporting Sidewalks Obstructed by Construction / Development Projects

Thank you to our NextDoor dot com neighbors who contributed to this list!

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So ... Where do you report a serious sidewalk or road work danger due to the contractor or developer’s failure to follow work zone pedestrian protection guidelines?

QUICK and DIRTY REPORTING OPTIONS, e.g. if an especially dangerous or ongoing problem:

1) Telephone: BDS (development services): call 593-823-2633

2) Website: PBOT, Report a Problem contact list:

3) Portland City Commissioner in Charge of Transportation: Currently Commissioner Eudaly (this can change when the Mayor makes a new assignment): General information:: 503-823-4682 Email:: Website:

4) Mayor’s Office: 503-823-4120

5) City / County switchboard: 503-823-4000

6) PDX Reporter:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION and STRATEGIC REPORTING OPTIONS for a variety of pedestrian safety problems:

1) Telephone: BDS (development services): call 593-823-2633 October 2018: I talked to someone at BDS (development services), which is where these reports are made. I was told to allow 2-3 days for review and then the miscreant has 30 days to fix problem.

There is likely some kind of triage depending on how serious the problem is (eg busy street, near school, etc), but limited, so if the safety situation is bad, ongoing, or outright outrageous, I personally would also call the Mayor's office and then the Commissioner in charge of Transportation

2) General information and referral (Portland and Multnomah County): 503-823-4000

3) Vision Zero:

4) Work Zone Guidelines (see also #10, below): Send a picture to

5) PedPDX: Portland's Citywide Pedestrian Plan:

6) Report a Problem (to PBOT):

7) Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC):

The PAC Agenda generally allows 10 minutes for public comment, sometimes at beginning of a meeting & sometimes at the end, so check the current Agenda for exact time. If you can’t find that info, contact PBOT, the PBOT Commissioner in Charge, or the Mayor:

8) Portland Department of Transportation (PBOT) Links:

9) Portland City Commissioner in Charge of Transportation: Commissioner Eudaly The Mayor makes this assignment and it can change. You can always just call the general info number, 503-823-4000, and ask to be connected with the current Commissioner in charge of Transportation. Or, just ask to be connected to the Mayor’s office and ask there.

10) For any work zone concerns, try emailing: Include a picture and the address. Keep in mind, they probably receive many reports each day, so response may not always be immediate.

If they try to shrug it off, you can call/go online to the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB). The offender’s license number is usually on their signage & trucks.

11) The City Ombudsman might help too: 503-823-0144 or

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