Next MTNA Meeting, February 15, 2017, 7 p.m.
Join us at the next Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) meeting on Wednesday, Feb 15th, 7 pm, Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church at 5441...

Portland, Oregon, Twitter and other Social Media Links
Twitter is one, among many, ways to keep up with current and official City of Portland events. The City of Portland has a Social Media...
MTNA Board Monthly Meeting, January 18, 2017
The next monthly meeting of the Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association (MTNA) is January 18th, 2017. Announcements about meeting cancellations...
Mt Tabor Park 2017 Calendar
Have you seen the beautiful photographs at the Friends of Mt Tabor Park website? Local contributor and photographer Andrew Haliburton is...
Mt Tabor Neighborhood Association 2017 Meetings (with cookies!)
Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association Board and General meetings take place at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church (AKA Taborspace) (at 54th and...
MTNA Website Blog Disclaimers and Comments Policy
This is a very long version of the brief disclaimer I include in each MTNA website blog post: Disclaimers: Mt Tabor Neighborhood...

Mt Tabor Neighborhood Social Media and Email Groups
The following groups are in rough order of geographic coverage (small to large). Additional and updated contact info maybe found on the...

Leaf Day 2016 in Mt Tabor
Visit the City of Portland Leaf Day Program website for dates, tips, and related information. They don't have official Leaf Day No...