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MTNA Meeting: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 (Online via Zoom)

Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association Meeting Agenda

LOCATION: Zoom call

WHEN: October 21, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This is a two-part meeting. Our normal updates about civic issues will be in writing as they have been since March 2020. Look here for those updates: Our monthly Zoom meetings handle a limited number of topics.

AGENDA: October 21, 2020

6:45 Arrive early, give yourself plenty of time to connect. You will be MUTED upon arrival, you will need to UNMUTE yourself when you want to speak. Please MUTE yourself again after speaking so as to limit interference from background noise.

7:00 Welcome & Introductions – John Laursen

7:05 MTNA Consent Agenda. Approve minutes from September Zoom meeting

7:10 Treasurer’s Report – Bing Wong

7:15 Announcements, questions, concerns not otherwise on the agenda

7:25 Guest Speaker – Heather Flint Chatto from PDX Main Streets

Proposed Historic Resources Code Policy and Possible Testimony at the Planning and Sustainability Commission. This policy will guide how historic resources will be identified, designated, and protected, as well as how new historic and conservation districts may become designated, including places such as Upper Hawthorne, which is neither an historic district nor a conservation district. We need to prepare for this new City policy going to the Commission on October 27th, and Heather will share information about the policy and key points for advocacy. Learn more here:

PDX Main Streets Design Guidelines. These guidelines are a tool for any neighborhood to create more compatible infill within existing zoning codes while also providing a guide for community members, designers, and others to understand local priorities and to advocate for local goals. They have been adopted by STNA, RNA, HAND, DCBA and others for Division St.; by Woodstock and Sellwood-Moreland; and by HBBA for Hawthorne. HAND just re-adopted them for all 7 of their main streets. MTNA adopted the previous version in 2016, and we will vote on whether to re-adopt the final version of the guidelines. Learn more here:

Hawthorne Special Buildings List. This list of 57 special buildings was adopted by HBBA in 2018. It will be important for future updates to Historic Resources Inventory later as not all the buildings are on the City’s register, and is being proposed for local neighborhoods to review and recognize by formal adoption. Review the list here:

8:05 SE Uplift Report – Sam Noble

8:10 Friends of Mt. Tabor Park Report – Bing Wong

8:15 Adjourn


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