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Mt Tabor Park Reservoirs: Bringing Health, Happiness, and Supporting Local Businesses for Decades

An Eastside Portland Treasure:

Even though the Mt Tabor Park reservoirs are no longer part of our public water supply system, they are still very much an integral feature in Mt Tabor Park that contributes to the health and happiness of Portlanders (and tourists, if my experience talking to visitors from afar is any indication). Many people travel far and wide to have such views as ours from Mt Tabor Park. (Think of foreign lands you’ve visited where such landmarks and vistas are valued and publicly supported.)

Physical and Psychological Health and Happiness:

Circumnavigate Reservoir 6, walk your pooch to the Dog Park, smile at other park visitors as you wander the Mt Tabor trails, have hope for the return of the Adult Soap Box Derby (and maybe even to restore the children’s soap box track), breathe deeply under the green canopy, listen for giggles while passing by the Laughing Tree, sit on one of the memorial benches donated by neighbors, etc., etc., etc.

And don’t forget to visit the Friends of Mt Tabor Park website and sign up for their monthly newsletter for news about their programs and volunteers.

Support local business:

Mt Tabor Park visitors also frequent local eateries and shops in surrounding neighborhoods on their journeys to and from their Mt Tabor Park and Reservoir perambulations.

Note from Laura: For some reason, WIX (our website and blogging platform) does not show the blog post publication date (unless you peer at the URL). This seems to be a thing or trend with website and blog designers and content creators, i.e. not telling readers when the site's pages or posts were updated or published, but it's very annoying so: this blog post was published on 1/16/22, updated 2/6/22.


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